gala sponsorship
We depend on you and your partnership to run our programs and help in the historical preservation of park sites.
We appreciate your support!
Your tax-deductible donation helps us to complete major projects such as restoration of the historic Maritime Childcare Center, more programs and transportation for school children, and expansion of our Rosie’s Service Corps program so that more girls who lack resources can experience our summer camp and learn the We Can Do It! spirit. Please make a significant gift now, if you are able.
We recognize all donors who donate $1,000 or more in a year at the National Park Visitor center and on our website here.
Use the donation form below or mail a check to:
Rosie the Riveter Trust
PO Box 71126
Richmond, CA 94807-1126
Rosie the Riveter Trust could not succeed without our enthusiastic and dependable volunteers!
Volunteers support the park in many ways, through work as a docent, office help, facilities maintenance, gift store assistance and more. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this volunteer sign up form.
Join the Legacy circle
How has the WWII home front history inspired you?
When you set up a legacy gift for Rosie the Riveter Trust, you help keep WWII home front’s transformational moments alive.
Legacy gifts can be simple to set up and some even return life income to you. Below are the most common forms of legacy gifts and you can read more about how they work in our linked booklet.
Specify a Bequest in Your Will or Revocable Living Trust
Retirement Funds Beneficiary
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Remainder Trusts
We Want to Thank You!
Please let us know that you have included Rosie the Riveter Trust in your estate plans so that we can thank you! We would love to acknowledge you as a member of our Legacy Circle, and with your permission, list your name in our newsletter and on our website. You will be invited to special events as well. You may specify that your gift be anonymous if you prefer.