F.A.Q. - Rosies
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I order a Bronze Gold Medal replica for my Rosie?
Visit this link to order a Gold Medal from the US Mint:
Is there a registry of war-time Rosies?
Yes, the American Rosie the Riveter Association has created an informal Rosie Registry of Rosies as reported by the Rosies and/or their families. Please visit their website at www.rosietheriveter.net to register your Rosie. If your Rosie worked for a company that is still in business, they may have records and information regarding your Rosie. Please note that because there is no official government / employer sanctioned “registry” of Rosies, we cannot verify your Rosie's employment status.
Can you help me with my history research questions?
Rosie the Riveter Trust is a small nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to fundraising for educational programs and for the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park in Richmond CA. We do not operate an archive, manage a collection of historic objects or have a historian on staff. We encourage you to contact the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park museum staff for questions specific to their collection focus.
Who was the original model for the “We Can Do It!” poster?
“We Can Do It!” is an American wartime propaganda poster produced by J. Howard Miller in 1943 for Westinghouse Electric. The short answer: historians don’t know for certain!
I want to use the “We Can Do It!” image on my product. Do I need your permission?
No. We do not own the rights to the classic Rosie the Riveter image with the polka-dot bandana and the ‘We Can Do It!’ slogan (also known as the ‘Westinghouse Poster’). You are free to use and modify as you’d like. The copyright has expired and the image is in the public domain.
The “Rosie the Riveter” painting by Norman Rockwell, published as a magazine cover for the Saturday Evening Post in 1943, is under copyright held by Mr. Rockwell’s estate. We don’t have any rights or permissions to use this image. Interested parties should contact the Norman Rockwell Museum.
I want to use the image of an African-American Rosie under the words “We Did It!” for my product. How can I do this?
That image was created by local artist Richard Black and licensed under strict conditions to the Park. No one else is authorized to use it. Please do check out the great products using this image, available in our gift shop!
I/my relative submitted a story or artifact to the Park’s collections. Now I’m coming to visit. Can the Park display my submission while I’m there?
Unfortunately, the Park does not have the capacity to rotate exhibited items in accordance with guests’ visits. If you have additional questions about this, contact the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park.
I want to interview the Rosie docents, an original “Rosie” or ask them to attend my event.
Thank you! We can facilitate a conversation with the Rosies. Please contact us at info@rosietheriveter.org and let us know the details of your event and desired expectations.
Would you send my organization a silent auction donation?
Rosie the Riveter Trust provides silent auction item donations to other 501c3 organizations. Our standard donation is a membership, Rosie baseball cap, plastic Rosie water bottle, Rosie refrigerator magnet, and a set of Rosie notecards.
Would you send my organization a monetary donation?
The sole mission of Rosie the Riveter Trust is to raise funds to support the programs of the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park. We do not make donations to other organizations under any circumstances.
Would you advertise my organization’s event to your channels?
No. The sole mission of Rosie the Riveter Trust is to support the programs of the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park. We have a very tight and carefully planned communications calendar, and out of respect for our constituents, cannot add mailings or e-sends to promote other groups. We do however cross-promote some local events and events from our community partners on a case-by-case basis.
I want to be removed from your mailing list.
Please send an email request to info@rosietheriveter.org and we will be happy to remove you from our mailing list.
I want to donate (or sell) something to the Park’s museum collection.
Please contact the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park museum staff at 510-232-5050.
I want to sell something in the Visitor Center Gift Shop.
Thank you for your interest! Please email sales@rosietheriveter.org with information about your product (i.e. pricing, where it is made, etc.) and your email will be forwarded to the correct person. If it is an item that we are interested in, we will let you know; we have a slow approval process so please be patient.
I have a question about home front or World War II history.
Please contact the Visitor Education Center with this great question. The Park staff is very knowledgeable about the history of the U.S. Home Front! 510-232-5050 x0
I’m a journalist who would like to interview someone at the Trust.
Please contact the Executive Director, Sarah Pritchard sarah@rosietheriveter.org